One Voice For European Music

The ONE VOICE FOR EUROPEAN MUSIC platform, a pan-european sectoral initiative bringing together a wide range of music organisations (labels, concert venues, collecting societies, export offices, publishers, instrument manufacturers etc.), made public an 8-page POLICY DOCUMENT encouraging the European Commission and the Council of the EU to substantially develop the support and policy instruments available for the music sector at EU level.

The document was drafted by a representative group of 22 Belgian organisations under the leadership of Wallonie Bruxelles Musiques and VI.BE (the main public associations supporting the music sector in the country) and delivered to policymakers in the context of the Belgian Presidency of the EU. 19 EU-level federations, associations and trade bodies have brought their support to the policy paper prepared at Belgian level, for a total of 41 signatory bodies.

Among other key points listed in the document, the ONE VOICE FOR EUROPEAN MUSIC platform asks the EU institutions to create a “european music observatory”, to develop a “european music export strategy”, and to substantially increase the level of financial support for music projects across the EU.

The policy paper also calls on the EU to consider the needs of the music sector in implementing the newly agreed AI Act, to build solutions for grassroots venues and festivals, to design balanced solutions regarding the remuneration of authors and creators and help accelerate the sector’s green transition.

The recommendations developed by the coalition largely echo two recent resolutions voted by the European Parliament, on the topics of music streaming and working conditions of artists.

Corinne Sadki, President of European Music Exports Exchange (member of ONE VOICE FOR EUROPEAN MUSIC), said : “We believe that these recommendations, supported by a very wide consensus in the european music sector, are balanced, reasonable and easily actionable. They can help unlock the potential of european music on the world stage and help create a much-needed soft-power momentum for the EU”.

The ONE VOICE FOR EUROPEAN MUSIC initiative was launched by the French Centre National de la Musique in 2021 to find common policy positions within the european music sector. During each rotating presidency of the EU, the initiative is led by a representative panel of national organisations tasked with creating the groundwork for a set of recommendations which can be endorsed at EU level. Its first policy report was delivered during the French presidency of the EU.

The policy paper urges the European institutions to “claim ownership of these recommendations and make them a reality”. The document was released on May 9th to celebrate Europe Day.