Belgian Music Sector concerned about Spotify

Several Belgian music industry organisations have joined forces and launched an appeal to Spotify.
In a letter adressed to Spotify, The Belgian music industry have expressed its concern about recent developments Spotify Benelux and reach out to engage a dialogue. We are very concerned about the dismissal of an editor who was in touch with the Belgian music market and the disappearance of editorial playlists that highlight Belgian talents.
Streaming and in particular the Spotify platform plays a crucial role in this. Paying attention to and discovering local repertoire is today more important than ever for a healthy ecosystem. It goes without saying that local curators with a broad vision of the Belgian music scene can play a decisive role in this.
This letter is a joint initiative of several important organizations from the Belgian music sector
BIMA (Belgian independent music association)
FLIF (Fédération des labels indépendants Francophones)
MMaF (Music managers federation)
VI.BE (Support centre for artists and the music industry in Flanders and Brussels)
Conseil de la Musique (Support centre for artists and the music sector in Wallonia and Brussels)
BMPA (Belgian music publishers association)
ClubCircuit (Umbrella organization of Flemish music clubs & concert organizers)
Cult! (Network organization for cultural houses in Flanders and Brussels)
Court-Circuit (Association of music venues and concert organizers & Support Centre for the Live Music Sector in Wallonia and Brussels)
SABAM (Collective management organization of Authors, Composers and Publishers)
PlayRight (Belgian society for the collective management of neighbouring rights for performing artists)
Facir (Fédération des Auteur·rices, Compositeur·rices et Interprètes Réuni·es)
BSCG (Belgian screen composers guild)
Muziekgilde (Association for songwriters & performers in Flanders & Brussels)
COMAV (Association for Composers in Flanders)
FEAS (Fédération des Employeurs des Arts de la Scène)
BWMN (Belgian Worldwide Music Network)
ASSPROPRO (Association des programmateurs professionnels)
BeFEM (Belgian federation for electroacoustic music)
Museact/Fazz (Association des musiques d’expression actuelles)
FCM ( Forum de la création musicale)
NOVA (Networking organization of united authors and artists)
Vlamo (Flemish association for instrumental music bands & musicians)
Koor&Stem (Flemish association for choirs and vocal music)